art (noun): food for the soul

Common Questions
How does one price art?
Although there is no mathematical formula, there is a round about way to price art in an exact manner. It starts with feelings.
First step, look at the art work and consider the feelings that the particular art piece evoking in you and how strongly is that emotion coming up. How does the art work make you feel? Remember, this has to be an independent exercise. Give it time. Look at the details of the art work. Consider that every stroke has been conciously made by the artist and how various parts of the painting come together to make you feel a certain way. You may or may not understand it but it is important to go one layer deeper and feel the overall impact on you. You could really like an emotion. You could dislike a particular emotion. The strength of the art work lies in how strongly is that particular emotion being evoked. It is immaterial if you like or dislike it as long as the artist has been successful in making you feel the intended way.
Now, consider the importance of that feeling or emotion in your life. Does it motivate you to commit to an action? Does it make you feel at peace. Does the art work give you hope? Remember all those times that feeling or emotion helped you overcome a particular challenge.
And consider that the particular art piece is now evoking the same emotion by you just looking at it.
Now go ahead and put a price tag on those feelings and emotions. The moment you can do that is the moment you will have an exact way to value art.

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At times, feeling complete love, even for a moment, is enough. And it sets one free.
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